Dow Jones industrial average (INDU) dropped 268 points, or 2.7%, after having earlier lost as much as 326 points. The Nasdaq (COMP) composite fell 85 points, or 3.9%. The S&P 500 (SPX) slid 33 points, or 3.1%, falling to a fresh 2010 low of 1035.18 before recovering a little to close at 1041.24. It was the lowest close since November and could bring in more selling in the next few days, according to technical market pros, A correction is a plunge of at least 10% off the highs. As of Tuesday’s close, the S&P is off 14.6% from the highs of late April
P/S : for those clients who have received my emails about the 1000pips reversals, Congratulations, as We have hit that mark exactly today.