16 May 2010

Hangseng Trading Plan 17 May 2010 ( Monday ) & Market News PLEASE CLICK ON THE CHART TO SEE THE GRAPHICS

DIFF Technique :

DIFF Resistance - 19856
DIFF Support - 19434

 Bahasa Indonesia version :
Bursa Wall Street pada perdagangan hari ini (15/05) berakhir melemah, setelah sentimen negatif krisis utang Eropa mengalahkan sentimen positif dari sejumlah data ekonomi yang positif. Dow Jones merosot 162.79 poin atau 1.51% ke level 10,620.16; S&P 500 merosot 21.76 poin atau 1.88% ke level 1,135.68, sementara Nasdaq melemah 47.51 poin atau 1.98% ke level 2,346.85. Namun, pekan ini DJIA berhasil naik 2.3%; S&P menguat 2.23% dan Nasdaq melesat 3.58

Dengan Melihat grafik beberapa hari terakhir Mereka yang telah mengikuti diff dan tongkat oleh aturan akan membuat keuntungan. Meskipun gerakan ini atas dan ke bawah.

pada tanggal 13 Mei / 14 bisa. Kami telah membuat membeli keuntungan mengikuti peraturan Diff.
Hangseng Trading untuk Mei 17, 2010 - saya masih akan mengikuti aturan diff dan membuat membeli atau menjual dengan harga terbuka mengikuti garis perlawanan diff atau line.But Diff dukungan Harap berhati-hatilah dari harga penutupan 19.927. Jika pasar terbuka atas resistensi diff kami tetapi tidak pernah terbuka di atas harga penutupan 14 / 5
saya akan menunggu pasar untuk bermain di atas harga terbuka untuk mengeksekusi membeli

English Language version :
Stock trading on Wall Street today (05/15) ended down, after the negative sentiment to beat debt crisis of the European positive sentiment from a number of positive economic data. Dow Jones slid 162.79 points, or 1.51% to 10,620.16 level; S & P 500 slid 21.76 points, or 1.88% to 1,135.68 level, while the Nasdaq fell 47.51 points, or 1.98% to 2,346.85 level. However, this week managed to rise 2.3% DJIA, S & P rose 2.23% and the Nasdaq shot 3:58

By Looking at the charts the past few day Those who had followed DIFF and stick by the rules will have made a profits. Eventhough the movements is up and down.

on the date 13 may / 14 may . We had made a profit buying following DIFF rules.

Hangseng Trading for 17 May 2010 - I would still follow the DIFF rules and make a buy or sell at the open price following the DIFF resistance line or Diff support line.But Please beware of the close price 19927. If the market open above our DIFF resistance but never open above the 14/5 close price
i will wait for market to play above the open price to execute a buy.