12 November 2010

13% - 18% p.a Fixed Returns Secured by Real Estate

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Most people go through life letting others make decisions with their money and they're never really in control of how their money is invested or what it earns. The worst part is that when you do this, sometimes you may make money one month or one year, and then have all your gains wiped out the next. You end up paying fees to someone else and they have no risk or accountability themselves. Doing it that way, you never know for sure if you'll have enough money for your future, your family, kid's college, or your retirement. You end up playing guesswork games with your money and have to lie awake at night worrying about the stock charts. If you want to, you can change that. You can be more in control of your investments, your results and your time.

Eliminate inconsistent, risky, unsecured investments, and trade them in for high, fixed returns, that are safely secured by a mortgage!

You have a safe alternative to the stock market that is completely hands off, uncomplicated, secured by a large hedge factor of equity, and gives you the ability to get started with as little as $10,000. Imagine the peace of mind of knowing exactly what your investments will earn and what your portfolio will be worth when you need it the most.

When your investments have fixed returns of 11%-13% that are secured by real estate you have nothing to lose and everything to gain!

You can invest for short terms or long term so call today to find out how you can make the money you really need and deserve.

DO NOT WASTE ANOTHER MOMENT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Fixed Income Versus Reksa Dana

Investor memiliki pilihan dari dua macam kendaraan investasi: pendapatan tetap dan efek pendapatan non-tetap. Yang pertama adalah instrumen keuangan yang memberikan kembali handal selama masa pakai instrumen. Yang kedua tidak memiliki kembali intrinsik melainkan berfluktuasi nilai menurut beberapa entitas yang mendasari - sering reksa dana atau saham individu untuk perusahaan.
investasi pendapatan tetap akan kembali andal, tetapi tingkat mereka kembali memiliki kecenderungan menjadi rendah. Ini bagus untuk orang yang tidak suka risiko, atau untuk orang-orang yang bergantung sepenuhnya pada pendapatan investasi seperti pensiun dan tua. investasi Pendapatan non-tetap dapat kembali tak menentu, tapi tarif mereka dari sisi kembali pada akhir yang lebih tinggi. Ini bagus untuk orang-orang yang menjadi risiko, atau untuk orang yang tidak memerlukan pendapatan investasi seperti muda dan super kaya.

Ketika mencoba untuk membuat pilihan antara baik jenis investasi, investor akan menemukan tingkat pengembalian. Dalam kasus pendapatan tetap, ini memiliki makna yang nyata dalam pembayaran akan setiap tahun di tingkat keuntungan. Tetapi dalam kasus pendapatan non-tetap, ini hanyalah menebak berdasarkan sejarah kembali dihitung selama beberapa periode waktu. Top reksadana mengiklankan kembali tinggi tapi harga ini tidak dijamin. Investor harus berhati-hati untuk tidak bergantung terlalu kuat pada nomor ini memegang panjang di masa depan.

Artikel ini membahas jenis nyata dari efek pendapatan tetap berikut ini.

Individu yang tertarik dengan produk pendapatan tetap dan mendapatkan hasil yang lebih baik daripada rekening bank mungkin mempertimbangkan rekening pasar uang. akun tersebut dibawa oleh sebagian besar instrumen keuangan jangka pendek. Jika dalam bentuk dana, seringkali dijual oleh perusahaan reksa dana dan merupakan agregat dari surat berharga pasar uang banyak.

Meskipun tidak ketat pendapatan tetap, dana GNMA adalah semi-pemerintah yang didukung dan telah cukup stabil bahkan selama krisis real estat. Di masa krisis pinjaman rumah dari 2007-2008, ketika Freddie Mac dan Fannie Mae dikecam karena peran mereka dalam mengambil risiko pencari hipotek kekurangan dana, Ginnie Mae muncul relatif tak ternoda akibat investasi yang sangat rendah-risiko. Dana portofolio yang berinvestasi di lebih dari 85% dari aset pada instrumen Ginnie Mae-terkait memenuhi syarat untuk menjadi Ginnie Mae reksa dana.
Obligasi adalah produk pendukung pendapatan tetap. Kegiatan sehari-hari pemerintah, seperti menjalankan kepolisian pada tingkat kota, atau sistem perguruan tinggi kota menerima siswa pada tingkat negara, tergantung pada uang pinjaman. Sumber daya meminjam adalah dalam bentuk ikatan yang pada dasarnya merupakan janji untuk mengembalikan uang pinjaman plus kembali ekstra. investor pribadi, perusahaan dan pemerintah bahkan asing membeli obligasi yang ditawarkan oleh pemerintah Indonesia

Datang ke situs kami di www.genuine-mgt.com Returnes yang tinggi

19 September 2010


Demo Forex Competition

This competition is conducted by

Objective of this Competition

With this competition going on , PT GENUINE CONSULTANTS are looking for 5 potential candidates to be part of our Trader Team in Jakarta.
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31 August 2010


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If you would like to save for future, receiving high gain with your return available every month, consider this Plan. This program is the best option for those who want to invest money on a long-term basis and receive cumulative amount at the end of investment period.
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24 August 2010

Hangseng Predictions 25 August 2010

Pada Trading Hangseng hari ini, Anda yang telah mengikuti DIFF rules Pasti udah mengambil Profits sekitrar 2V CONGRATULATIONS

Pada titik kini saya lagi menunggu entry level untuk melakukan Buying Position dan bisa melihat akan datang kami bisa meraup keuntungan sekitar 1000 pips dalam masa 2-3 hari akan datang.

Untuk Tau Entry Level Sila Hubungi saya

Mobile : 081398814886
Skype : wanhse
Yahoo Messenger : tokohpdhm

Buat anda yang telah dapatkan analisa saya ttg hangseng kemarin, Maaf Saya tidak akan memberi Entry point nya buat kali ini, Unless anda mau membuka account dengan saya atau trading dengan saya. SORRY THIS IS BUSINESS



23 August 2010

Hangseng Trading Plan 24 August 2010 ( Tuesday )


If US Crude fail to break down and go above US$74.50, we may see this commodity stages a rebound to US$80 in the mid term (refering to by mid of September). Downside limit 71.70s level.

If it does happen, do expect regional stock markets to follow too.

If DollarSIN goes below 1.3520, now is trading at 1.3555, tomorrow will be another good day to accumulate singapore blue chips




For more informations on my EA Forex Auto Trading Please Contact me

Check out My Meta Trader Indicator For Sale on Ebay

19 August 2010

19 August 2010 ( Thursday ) / Hangseng Trading Plan

Base on DIFF technique We can see that Today Hangseng opens in its Neutral zone but in the early part its breaks our DIFF R/L and we made a small Day trading Profits of 53pips.

I was actually waiting Hangseng to Breaks even Higger, I believe tomorrow this index opens it will Show a 'FLY' Sesion, I am targeting hangseng to go at least to level 21300 if its breaks my DIFF R/L

I will Call for a sell If its Breaks My DIFF S/L which is at level 20843.

Disclaimer Applies

Thanks you


17 August 2010

Market News 17 Augustus 2010


Dari chart ini kami bisa lihat Hangseng lagi Dalam Neutral zone. Saya akan tunggu esok open price dan akan melakukan transaksi mengikuti technique DIFF saya.

Sari sini saya benar benar confident yang market bisa ke level yang saya pernah bilang berberapa minggu kemarin, Ini potential kami LONG dan mengambil profits 500 pips

Entry level akan saya menlakukan dengan Technical DIFF saya dan Stop Loss akan di level mius 1 bawah DIFF Support.

Jika ada perubahan technical akan saya post lewat email kepada nasabah yang trading dengan saya.

Becareful as market usually never follows your ways. Kami hanya bisa analisa dan hitung , tetapi jika ada kesalahan kita harus dengan cepat menyadari cut loss level kami.

CUT LOSS akan dengan hitungan -V1 /

Good Luck Trading


08 August 2010

Markets update 06 August 2010

Dow Jones         10653.56          Down         -21.24           -0.2%

NASDAQ          2288.47           Down          -4.59             -0.2%

S&P500             1121.64           Down          -4.17              - 0.37%

Gold                    1207.5            UP               2.20               +0.18%

OIL                    80.88               UP               0.18                +0.22%

Hangseng            21678.8           UP                127.08            +0.59%

Nikkei                 9642             Down             -11.80              -0.21%

China                 2658                UP                37.635             +1.44%

NFP Mengecewakan, Bursa AS Pekan Ini Catatkan Penguatan
Bursa Wall Street pada perdagangan hari ini (07/08) ditutup melemah dipicu oleh buruknya data tenaga kerja NFP, namun recover dari level low dan berhasil membukukan gain pekan ini. Dow Jones merosot 21.42 poin atau 0.20% ke level 10,653.90; S&P 500 melemah 4.17 poin atau 0.37% ke level 1,112.64; dan Nasdaq turun 4.59 poin atau 0.37% ke level 2,288.47. Namun, pekan ini bursa berhasil membukukan penguatan: DJIA melonjak 1.79%; S&P 500 melesat 1.82% dan Nasdaq menguat 1.5%.

Hang Seng Ditutup Menguat, Bursa Dekati Level 21700 Poin
Bursa Hong Kong pada hari ini (6/8) ditutup pada posisi menguat. Level positif rupanya berhasil diperoleh bursa Hong Kong setelah sejak awal perdagangan sampai dengan siang tadi bursa masih tertekan oleh imbas dari pelemahan bursa AS akibat naiknya data klaim pengangguran.
Indeks Hang Seng ditutup menguat sebesar 133,75 poin atau 0,62% menjadi 21.681,75 basis poin. Sedangkan indeks berjangka mengalami kenaikan sebesar 200 poin

30 July 2010

Market Updates 30 July 2010

30 July 2010
OIL                 78.16                       Down         -0.20        -0.26%

GOLD             1166.2                     Down         -2.20        -0.19%

DOW JONES 10467.16                 Down          -30.72      -0.29%

NASDAQ       2251.69                  Down          -12.87      -0.57%

S&P500         1101.53                  Down            -4.60      -0.42%

Nikkei             9569.26                Down             -126.76   -1.31%

China              2642.852              Down             -5.264         -0.2%

$1.00 USD – Rp 8950 ( Dari analisa saya belum ada signal clear yang Rp akan meguat lagupun belum ada factor yang mendukung , Sila terus pantau Rupiah juga)
Rupiah Menguat ke Bawah 9000
Kurs rupiah terhadap dolar Amerika Serikat (AS) di pasar spot antarbank Jakarta pada Kamis sore masih berada dibawah angka Rp9.000 per dolar, karena kuatnya aksi beli rupiah oleh pelaku pasar, meski Bank Indonesia (BI) masih tetap berada di pasar.

Nilai tukar rupiah terhadap dolar AS menguat lima poin menjadi Rp8.995-Rp9.010 dari hari sebelumnya Rp9.000-Rp9.010 per dolar.

Outlook The Fed Mengkhawatirkan, Bursa AS Kembali Ditutup Melemah
Bursa AS pada perdagangan hari ini (30/07) terpantau kembali ditutup melemah, terutama oleh outlook mengecewakan dari The Fed serta kekhawatiran pasar jelang hasil kinerja GDP kuartal 2 besok. Dow Jones turun 30.72 poin atau 0.29% ke level 10,467.16; S&P 500 merosot 4.60 poin atau 0.42% ke level 1,101.53 dan Nasdaq melemah 12.8701 poin atau 0.57% ke level 2,251.69.

Jelang GDP Q2 Esok, Bursa AS Melemah
Bursa AS pada perdagangan hari ini (29/07) terpantau bergerak melemah, jelang hasil kinerja GDP kuartal 2 besok. Dow Jones turun 25.27 poin atau 0.24% ke level 10,472.61; S&P 500 merosot 5.07 poin atau 0.46% ke level 1,101.06 dan Nasdaq melemah 17.62 poin atau 0.78% ke level 2,246.94

Bursa Berjangka AS Menguat; Klaim Pengangguran AS Turun
Bursa berjangka AS untuk perdagangan hari ini (29/7) terpantau mengalami kenaikan. Turunnya data klaim pengangguran menjadi faktor pendorong bagi positifnya bursa setelah kemarin sempat mengalami pelemahan. Klaim pengangguran AS untuk pekan lalu dilaporkan mengalami penurunan sebesar 11 ribu menjadi 457 ribu orang atau lebih rendah dibanding prediksi sebelumnya di level 459 ribu.

Perdaganan Dow Jones Kemarin Pada awalnya ia naik krana sentiman positif dari kurang nya pengangguran di AS. Data tersebut keluar pada jam 1930WIB. Langsung kapan DOW Buka, ia menunjukan kekuatan.
Tetapi dengan sentiment negative yang ada untuk GDP ( Gross Domestic Product ) untuk Q2 Dow jones langsung merosot
IHSG Semakin Rawan Profit Taking, Seiring Melemahnya Wall Street Semalam
Indeks Harga Saham Gabungan (IHSG) pada penutupan perdagangan kemarin tercatat malah melonjak tajam 1,29%. Sedangkan menurut Analis Vibiz Research unit dari Vibiz Consulting IHSG pada akhir pekan ini diperkirakan berpeluang terkena profit taking setelah naik tajam beberapa hari terakhir

Bursa AS pada perdagangan dini hari tadi (30/07) terpantau kembali ditutup melemah, terutama oleh outlook mengecewakan dari The Fed serta kekhawatiran pasar jelang hasil kinerja GDP kuartal 2 besok.

Nikkei Bergerak Melemah oleh Muramnya Outlook Ekonomi AS
Pada perdagangan di bursa Jepang pagi hari ini tampak indeks Nikkei spot mengalami penurunan sebesar 0.6% (30/07). Di hari perdagangan terakhir bulan Juli ini bursa Jepang mengalami pembukaan di teritori negative setelah outlook yang buruk dari perusahaan-perusahaan teknologi AS dan komentar Fed yang mengecilkan hati kembali menimbulkan awan hitam mengenai kemungkinan terhantamnya pemulihan ekonomi di AS

Harga Emas Menguat Akibat Melemahnya Dolar
Pada penutupan perdagangan di bursa Nymex dini hari tadi tampak harga emas mengalami peningkatan yang cukup signifikan (30/07). Harga emas berjangka menguat terbesar dalam satu minggu seiring dengan melemahnya nilai tukar dolar yang memicu kenaikan permintaan terhadap komoditas ini.

Harga Minyak Mentah Menguat Imbas Melemahnya Dolar
Pada penutupan perdagangan di bursa Nymex dini hari tadi tampak harga minyak mentah mengalami kenaikan yang cukup signifikan (30/07). Harga minyak mentah menguat seiring dengan melemahnya nilai tukar dolar ke posisi paling rendah dalam 12 minggu belakangan terhadap euro. Melemahnya dolar ini telah mengakibatkan kenaikan permintaan terhadap komoditas termasuk minyak mentah

Saya bilang yang Rupiah akan ke level Rp8900, Jika Rp break level sekian kami akan bisa lihat berbagi commodities di Indonesia juga menguat.

Bisa juga klo investors commodities, Bisa standby untuk membeli contract kokoa, Skg , Kokoa lagi menguat.
Hangseng – Ternayata Hangseng tidak break resistance hari ini krana sentiment buruk di walls streets dan juga turun nya harga minyak. Saham Sinopec di cina juga turun
Kemarin 29 JULY 2010 kami lihat chart Hangseng yang melemah sebentar dan langsung naik ini menunjukan up trend Saya tetap akan mengikuti technical saya dan akan BUY di level 21068 buat Day trading dan TP di level 21205 dan Cut loss saya tetap akan di level 21000
Tapi kalau hangseng tidak menumbusi level tersebut saya tidak akan melakukan transaksi , Krana technical tidak mendukung. Tetapi saya bisa aja salah. Saya lebih prefer main safety aja. Lagi pun hari ini Last day trading of the week

Saya ingin sharingkan proposal saya dengan anda, Untuk kami mencoba mengambil keuntungan dari market ini. Sila hubungi saya untuk saya jelaskan technical dan fundumentals untuk Entry level dan take profits

Dari Proposal saya , Kami bisa mengambil keuntungan
Max – 1000 pips profits
Max – 150 -200 pips Cut loss

29 July 2010

29 July 2010 Afternoon Market Updates

Hang Seng Dibuka Melemah oleh Sentimen Negatif Asia

Pada perdagangan di bursa Hong Kong pagi ini tampak terjadi penurunan meskipun tipis saja (29/07). Bursa Hong Kong melemah seiring dengan sentiment negative yang menaungi perdagangan di bursa-bursa Asia yang lebih dulu buka hari ini.

Hang Seng Sesi I Melemah Tipis 23 Poin
Pada perdagangan sesi I hari ini (29/7) bursa Hong Kong terpantau mengalami pelemahan. Dengan negatifnya pergerakan bursa siang ini berarti melanjutkan pergerakan yang menurun akibat imbas pelemahan bursa AS setelah kembali turunnya data-data ekonomi yang salatunya ialah data order durable goods untuk bulan lalu.

Pergerakan Hangseng Pada hari ini Menunjukan Down trend , Tetapi Pada 15 min terakhir sebelum Hangseng tutup ia break Open price closed above closed price kemarin, Ini menunjukan Up trend masih kuat.
Market Physcology untuk membuat traders Cut Loss while buying Tadi pagi.

Nikkei Pagi Dibuka Negatif Imbas Sentimen Wall Street yang Buruk

Pada perdagangan di bursa Jepang pagi hari ini tampak terjadi penurunan pada indeks-indeks utamanya (29/07). Bursa Jepang melemah setelah pada akhir perdagangan di bursa AS dini hari tadi terjadi penurunan yang signifikan. Bursa Wall Street melemah imbas pelemahan order durable goods dan beige book.

Economic Data tar malam nanti

7:30pm -USD Unemployment Claims      Forcast kelihatan baik akan membuat Rp 8900                    

9:30pm -USD Natural Gas Storage         Forcast Kelihatan Buruk akan mengpengaruhi OIL

Pada saat kini market asia lagi Bullish, Kalau kami lihat chart Hangseng yang di atas ini menunjukan UPTREND, Tetapi untuk Day trader, Saranan saya Buying is not an option, Krana setiap kali market Gap up pasti akan menunjukan reversal trend. Hari ini udah 7 hari berturut turut hangseng coba break high. Potensi ke level 22000 kuat sekali.
Saya ada sebuah proposal untuk mengambil 1000 pips profits dari Index Hangseng ini, Jika anda berminat sila hubungi saya dan saya akan tunjukan anda charts dan forcast saya.

Saya akan beri tahu anda Entry level yang aman dan juga Cut loss dan Booking Profits level.
Dengan proposal yang saya ada kami bisa target
Max - 1000 pips profits
Max - 200 pips Cut loss level

No Business is 100% safe from losses.

Tapi dengan proposal yang saya ada dan juga dengan mengambil entry level yang safe saya yakin kami semua bisa meraup keuntungan dari market ini .

Disclamer applies


Skype : Wanhse
Yahoo Messenger : tokohpdhm

27 July 2010

27 July 2010 Sell HSI below 20832

DIFF Resistance - 21035
DIFF Support - 20832

Hang Seng opened above 21,000 level (as forecasted) but quickly sold down to below the level, closing at 20837 for the Futures. Today despite the Dow hitting above 10,500, the HK market cannot even go past the resistance at 20970. (at least of my writing now at 1030hr) clearly shows that one need to be very careful on the long side.

Now During the second session i am waiting for HSI to go below 20832 to short this futures.


26 July 2010

Hangseng Trading Plan 26/7/2010

DIFF Resistance - 20120
DIFF Support - 19933

Base on the DIFF troday we are still in a buying positions, But as soon as the market opens its went down due to profits taking,

In my previous blog i had said in th eemails that Hangseng would goes to level 22000, I might be wrong but all my indicators are supporting this level.

Base on the day trading today , If you are making a buy our stop loss level is 20913 and its hit our stop loss level exactly at 0955 hrs WIB.

Mhy advise to those Day traders using DIFF, we will stay out of the market unless we can see a new signal is formed,

Going Short is advisable but its against our technique as we have all said that we will stick to our trading plans.

For clients who had made the Buy positions from 21/7/2010 - CONGRATULATIONS........;....
Now you can see the POWER of this technique .

20 July 2010

Hangseng 21/7/2010

DIFF Resistance - 20120
DIFF Support - 19933

Base on this chart and By following my techique i would be able to see that Hangseng is its uptrends movements, Though all of our normal indicators areshowing that HSI is able to hit 19800 soon. The market right now is tell us a "story" ( Hey i am going down , But i will wants to make all cut loss before i go down )

hahahahha its just an explanations, Maybe i am wrong but its seems still the down trend is still noticeable.

I would suggest that for those normal Day traders Please wait if Hangseng opens above 20121 ( Open price + 1 ) = BUY

I will never short the market if HSI opens above 20121. I will follow the trend and Waits to Short the market only when market is at 19993

In my latest blog i have said that Nikkei will moves 200 pips down and congratulations to those who have followed the call.

Please take notes that all these predictions are not 100%, Its is only base on our technique

Thank you


Skype : wanhse
Yahoo Messenger : tokohpdhm

Mobile : 081932566579

16 July 2010


Maybe this is my first Charts On Nikkei On my Blog all this is for one of our new prospects.

Base on this chart i can see that there is a potential drop of 200 pips on Nikkei , Most people are buying due to th elow price, but i am using my technique to call for the sell. I might be wrong but time will shows the results.

the trend is UP trend and if everyone is ‘reportedly’ buying… then for each transaction to be completed.. there always must be a BUYER and a SELLER right? So if everyone is BUYING as you say.. who is SELLING to complete the deal? Next… if there is equal number of buying and selling = price will not move up or down.. but if the price is moving down =>>> doesn’t that mean the sellers are more KEEN to sell than BUY??”

NIKKEI may test 9265 if Dollaryen goes below 86.50

I am Shorting the Nikkei at open price .

13 July 2010

Share some Hidayah song with all my Friends

Dear friends, I would like to take some time here to share some good songs with all of you. I was introduced by a client about this songs, Maybe its might not really be so sentimentals

This was what a fellow blogger replied :

" I'm not muslim but i think that was a very beautiful song and it was sad. If other American's would just take a look at Arabian culture and get educated i think they would not think that all Arabs are terrorist. "

Yes we have to support this as we Indonesian are also known as " Sarang Terrorist " Hmmmmmmmmmm...

Hangseng to be Tested to 20200

For more discussions on the day trading please contact me via skype or yahoo messenger

Skype : wanhse
Yahoo messenger : tokohpdhm

Mobile : 081398814886

02 July 2010

Watch HK Future Market Today IF It Stays Above 20060.

Good Morning,

I am looking at the HK Future market today as I expect some movement from it which might propell the regional markets around.

Based on common chart pattern, if the market goes near 19800 level, traders should start to take note as that is the 61.8% retracement level to watch.

And if the market can stay above OP and above 20060 today, this market is worthy to go into for a small long position but don’t expect too much as both my indicators are still pointing selling pressence.

Have you and your trading kakis make another pot of Gold today!

Disclaimer applied

30 June 2010

Think Twice Before SHORT ( SELLING ) the market

Good Morning,

Look at this chart… Interesting right? We have covered all our shorts. Now sitting on the fence and watch for the next move. Double click on this posting to see the chart bigger and clearer.

Most markets are above OP, really cannot short anymore Remember, dun just because Dow is down 230points = selling..

I already mentioned yesterday, the Asia markets already reacting before the Dow.
So dun be trapped on this roiund.

if you want to short.. wait for the next signal after it go up.
Today, I think I have proven once again, V3Go methods can really 'forecast' big movement. I am going to give myself a little well deserved break for today. If you have anything to ask me, just kindly skype me on the side.

Skype : Wanshe
Yahoo Messenger : Tokohpdhm
Email : dhmjkt@gmail.com

Looking to COVER Hangseng at 19800

Dow Jones industrial average (INDU) dropped 268 points, or 2.7%, after having earlier lost as much as 326 points. The Nasdaq (COMP) composite fell 85 points, or 3.9%. The S&P 500 (SPX) slid 33 points, or 3.1%, falling to a fresh 2010 low of 1035.18 before recovering a little to close at 1041.24. It was the lowest close since November and could bring in more selling in the next few days, according to technical market pros, A correction is a plunge of at least 10% off the highs. As of Tuesday’s close, the S&P is off 14.6% from the highs of late April

P/S : for those clients who have received my emails about  the 1000pips reversals, Congratulations, as We have hit that mark exactly today.

29 June 2010

V3GO Technique Calls BUY or SELL

With that, here is my technical views of the Asian Markets today;

NIKKEI – This market must stay above 9835 today… if not, there should be further selling awaiting for it towards the 9700s level
(Currently trading at; 9760)

STI – I expect the STI to find support at 2833 today… if not, one should be expecting it to lose the 2800 psychological level.
(Currently trading at: 2847)

SIMSCI – I expect this market to test 333.5 region soon.
(Currently trading at: 337.2)

HK Future - Should see some support around 20500 level but I am looking at it to test 20200 region in the near term
(Currently trading at: 20733)

Shanghai Index – 2513 will be the first support for the next 1-2days
(Currently trading at: 2566)

Taiwan Future – 266.0 will be the first support for the next 1-2days
(Currently trading at: 268.1)

S&P Future – I mentioned a few days ago that this Index will hit 1070 which already happened this morning. I am looking at it to test 1053 in the near term
(Currently trading at: 1072)

Pound – I am looking at it to hit 1.4735 region if it cannot stay above 1.50 in the near term.
(Currently trading at: 1.4916)

US Crude – I am looking at this commodity to be affected by the recent economical data and hit US$73.50s level
(Currently trading at: 76.53)

Gold – I am looking at this precious metal to hit 1258 again.
(Currently trading at: 1243)

Hope all these levels will assist you in your short term trading direction and may everyone prosper in the markets

Disclamer applies



Email : dhmjkt@gmail.com
Skype : Wanhse
Yahoo Messenger : Tokohpdhm

18 June 2010

Understanding the Market Physcology And Trade Like a Winner

“Big Boys; If You don’t lose, how do I make?”

Doesn’t the above statement make sense or anger you? Most of us believe and trades on news and information provided by the financial houses but yet it seem like we always seem to be at the losing side?? Most of the time, we are going to keep finding ourselves in this never-ending spiral effect of chasing on these news until all our money is being sucked dry and leave this heart breaking arena.





17 June 2010

Hangseng 17 June 2010 Afternoon Review

MORNING : We have shorted the HK at 20195 .We have place a stop loss for both once the HK Future Index hit 20297. But will repeat the same feat once the market returns back to 20195 again.

Congratulations to those clients who have made the first profits in the morning.As i was seeing the charts i can actuall see more selling to come today. But still the support will be 20023.
My advise is to step out of the day trding if you can see any profits.Nikkei staying below OP and 10,000 mark. quite safe for shorting at this moment

HSI + 68.08
Nikkei - 64.52
China + 7.18
( Quotes taken from http://www.cnbc.com/ )

PS : As usual Disclamers applies.



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Email : Dhmjkt@gmail.com
Skype : Wanhse
Yahoo Messenger : Tokohpdhm

Mobile : +62 081398814886 ( Indonesia,Jakarta )

P/S : Due to the nature of this buisness, We would hope that you contact us for more informations on the legal terms. Aggrements will not be send via e-mails to protect being missused.

Our website are protected and only given to those interested parties who contact us. A password will be given to them to open the website which lasts for 30 days.

Hangseng Trading Plan 17 June 2010 ( Thursday )

DIFF Resistance - 19823
DIFF Support - 19639

HK most likely will play catch up from what they missed and the support for today will be around 20105. The Resistance will be around 20200.

With HK market opening later, most likely the market will be buying ahead of it first. If you want to go Long, reduce your normal trading qqty will be a good move so that you go for hit and run without getting caught.

For Short sellers, please be patient to build up this position. The market is definitely deem for some profit taking but at the moment,go slow as the general market are currently off the Bear Zone area (20%) therefore the sentiment have changed a bit. As good traders, we must know when to fire and when Not to fire, to conserve your ammo.
Wait for the support levels to break before entering.

 Nothing is 100% and being confident is good but over-confident will kill if the thing that you expected turns opposite direction. And Media Journalists although are labelled as experts.. may also get it wrong too… just like our stock market analysts…

For more informations on Our Mentor Mr.Kelvin Han (V3GO) EA robot trading please contact us.

Guranteed consistance profits, 70% profits within the first month

Skype : wanhse
Yahoo Messenger : tokohpdhm@yahoo.com

15 June 2010

GET OUT of the Market IF you see the NUMBERS Below!!

BUT I would like to warn traders to book partial profit on your Long Positions first for today as I truely doesn’t like the movement of the market for the next 2-3days.

Hang Seng Future must close above 20123 today for further upside. Both of my V3Go Indicators are calling for SELL Signal on this market in the near term therefore we are looking to load on the Put Warrant on it soon.
Last traded price: 20158

Watch the NIKKEI, especially if it fail to close above 9890 today. This market could probably provide you the FIRST Signal.
Last traded price: 9880

The Dow hits a high of 10328 yesterday but reversed itself to close at 10186. Thats a 150points reversal. This is not good. This show that the Dow is still strongly resisted by my 10300 resistance prediction. (The Exact Number is 10315). Tonight, I expect the Dow to re-test around 10236… and should it fail to go higher than this number, I am looking at the Dow to trade lower back down to below 10,000 again!

Nothing is for 100% and my call may be proven wrong too but I think today I will be more than caution as I approach this market as some of the signals are pretty clear. I am calling for SELL now!! The choice is yours.

Disclaimer applied

02 June 2010

Hangseng Afternoon trade Review

Today I am still very bearish with the markets especially if Shanghai Index fail to stay above 2550, this market will re-enter into bearish mode (In my opinion)

I am looking at HK to close around 19300 level today. If that happen, most likely, we will see 19000 again by this week.

For the STI, 2701 is the critical reason for any buyers in the market based on our V3Go Diff. If the STI fail to stay above it by this week, most likely, we are going to see 2650 again.

Crude Oil most likely will re-test US$69 level again. At the moment, it is trading around US$72. The reversal of it last night clearly shows that the market is not having the strength for further upside.


- Asian Stocks Fall as Japan's Prime Minister Steps Down; Sony, Mitsui Slump

- Bank of china plunged 6.1 percent as the lender began a 40 billion yuan ($5.9 billion) convertible bond sale. Industrial Bank slid 7.1 percent.

In summation; If possible, kindly stay out in the market today if you have the intention to go long. The risk vs reward ratio is currently against the longists. If you are intending to go short, wait for each rally to come in.. and as long as its below OP of the day and diff is in play, you can go for it.

Have a great trading day ahead!

Email : dhmjkt@gmail.com
Skype : wanhse
Yahoo Messenger : tokohpdhm

Mobile : 081398814886

P/S : please contact me to see the report to last month Forex Auto trading , Made 20% profits . Total 3 Months we have accumulate 90% profits

Hangsneg Trading Plan 02 June 2010

DIFF Resistance - 19792
DIFF Support - 19580

As long as shanghai market stays below 2550, its a sell for this market thus, i will use it as an indicator for hk

31 May 2010

Hangseng 31 May 2010 ( Monday )

HK Future is having some resistance at around 19810-19820 level (our V3Go TAOS Range) thus unless the Index can go past and close above this range. If not, the Index may be expected to trade sideway for today.

For more informations on our Auto Trading , Please contact me

Email : dhmjkt@gmail.com
Skype : Wanhse
Yahoo Menssenger : Tokohpdhm

Mobile : o81932566579

Thank you

PT Trijaya Pratama Futures

27 May 2010

Most likely HK will test 19300 today and this could lead the regional markets higher


Informations for his E.A software which made 70% profits in 2 months in the futures market. Please contact me : dhmjkt@gmail.com
Skype : wanhse
Yahoo Messenger : tokohpdhm

( Kelvin Han - Trend Master Analysis )

After watching the market for an hour, we think that the HK Future market may be the leading indicator for today. Yes, we know that Dow closed below 10,000 mark but honestly, this 10,000 s0-called pscyhology level is no longer that sensitive as compared to the past as many people were also fearing for the worst when the Dow closed at 9908, down more than 100pts on the 8th of Feb 2010, below the 10,000 mark. But what did we see after that?

We saw the Dow climbing 1300points to hit a 11,257 on the 26th of April and everyday is calling for a BUY???!!!

I am not saying that there is a chance of the market repeating its feat but I think, if the Dow can recover above 10,000 tonight, which my bet on it is a yes; then I think, 10,500 won’t be too hard to achieve, judging from the way the Asia stock market is moving.

Disclaimer applied.

Hangseng Should Recover - 65% chance to break The DIFF Resistance

Base on our V3Go Technique I would Dare to say that Hangseng Would try to Break The DIFF Resistance level. Also due to holiday period tomorrow, I think HK will lead the Asian Market today.

We are 65% on the way to Break the DIFF Resistance

Thank you


PT Trijaya Pratama Futures

26 May 2010

Hangseng Trading Plan 27 May 2010

DIFF Technique

DIFF Resistance - 19327
DIFF Support - 18922

WE are now looking at Hangseng to trade above 19368 to recovery. Currently we can see that there is a new DIFF formed, I am expecting tonight Dow Jones to Gap up and Follow suits the asian market.

I might be wrong but by looking at the DIFF chart i am very confident about this.

Please contact me for more informations

Skype : wanhse
Mobile : 081398814886

V3Go Methods are proven techniques that One can use for trading on not only stocks but also in the Futures, Forex, Commodities markets.

Our proven record for our Futures Trade live sessions: Profited 6times out of the last 7 sessions.

With an average winning of S$440/student. Highest earner was S$7000 on ONE SINGLE of Intra-Day trading!

Kelvin Han, our Chief Trainer, 31, made his first pot of gold when he started trading in the commodities markets back in 1999. He traded the Pork Bellies, Corn, CRB Index and Cotton market then. He moved into trading the SIMSCI, TWI, HK Future market later in 2001 and made his first million trading them. He persuit further, going for classes and began to venture into the Forex and S&P market in 2004 and established himself as a trader who trades almost everything except Options.

His accuracy in predicting the Dow’s bottom in March 2009, he called for BUY on the STI at 1450 when the rest of the people are calloing for SELL! He predicted Crude Oil will go to US$85 when it was trading US$60 back in 2009. He predicted Jakarta stock Index will hit 2850 when it was trading at 2200. He predicted that NIKKEI will recover above 10,000 when it was selling down to 9055. He predicted Euro will recover from 1.22 recently which also happened.

Of course, he may not be 100% in his pedictions but since 2004, he have established a mailing list group of more than 2500 people inside it, a market blog which have an daily average of above 5000 views and had trained thousands of people since 1999, one should really give a try and start making from the market, by going LONG and SHORT in the market
1. What is Futures and the simple basic including placing STOP, STOP LIMIT, OCO orders
2. How to set up and use a Future Account
3. How to see the relative and inter-relationship between the Forex, Future market with the stock market.
4. He will show how to make S$200/day on the Euro and Pound market on the Hourly Chart.
5. He will show how to establish market view using the NIKKEI and S&P and Currency market as a guide.
6. He will show how to prepare your trading day towards Futures market.
7. How to be a PROFESSIONAL Trader**

DOW to recover back to 10500


25 May 2010

Hangseng 25 May 2010 ( Afternoon Market Review )

This morning, we expected TWI, STI and HK to recover once they go above OP, but most of them recovered alittle and sold down on stronger market forces by the bears. HK Future opened at 19327, below the posted level of 19360 so selling was expected. It hit a low of 19080 before covering to close for lunch at 19126.

P/S : For those who are interested in the EA ( Automated Trading ) Done by Mentor Kelvin Han , Please contact me for more informations
Results and Reports are available.

70% Profits in 2 months

Thank you


PT Trijaya Pratama Futures
Email : dhmjkt@gmail.com
SKYPE : wanhse
Mobile : 081398814886

24 May 2010

Hangseng Trading Plan 25 May 2010 ( Tuesday )


DIFF Resistance -19722
DIFF Support - 19358

Bahasa Indonesia ( For The english Version please scroll down )

Dengan melihat tabel ini, kita bisa melihat bahwa Hangseng mencoba memecahkan Perlawanan Diff. Sebelum Berakhir sesi kedua, saya telah berbagi tips dengan kalian semua di blog saya

HK di masa mendatang, kemungkinan besar akan gapped bawah namun berdasarkan kami V3Go Indikator, kesenjangan ini ke benar-benar dapat bertindak sebagai batu loncatan potensial ke terbalik potensial sebagai gantinya. 19.398 akan titik titik-temu yang kita akan memperhatikan.
Jika pasar dapat tetap di atasnya, maka kita melihat pasar ini untuk menguji tingkat 19800s kembali dalam minggu ini. Dukungan downside adalah sekitar 19.360.

Saya sangat yakin bahwa Hangseng akan Breaks perlawanan diff segera dan berusaha untuk mencapai angka 19.800 dengan minggu ini.

Market News
Bursa Hong Kong pada perdagangan hari ini (24/5) ditutup pada posisi menguat. Tren positif rupanya masih tetap terjaga sampai dengan akhir perdagangan hari ini. Kondisi tersebut diperoleh dari imbas kenaikan bursa AS pada akhir perdagangan pekan kemarin yang mendorong pergerakan bursa saham dan komoditi.


English Version
By looking at this chart , We could see that Hangseng tried to break the DIFF Resistance . Before the second session Ends, i have shared a few tips with all of you on my blog

HK Future, will most likely gapped down but based on our V3Go Indicator, this gap down may actually act as a potential springboard to potential upside instead. 19398 will the Intersection point that we will be paying attention to.

If the market can stay above it, then we are looking at this market to re test 19800s level within this week. The Downside support is around 19360.

I am very sure that Hangseng would Breaks the DIFF resistance soon and tries to reach the 19800 mark by this week.
Market News
Hong Kong Stock Exchange in trading today (24 / 5) closed at higher positions. Positive trend seems to remain awake until the end of trading today. Conditions were obtained from the impact of U.S. stocks rise in late trading last week that encourages the movement of stock markets and commodities.

Thank you


PT Trijaya Pratama Futures

Email : dhmjkt@gmail.com
SKYPE: wanhse
Mobile : +62 081398814886

Hangseng trading Report 24 May 2010 ( Monday )

Hangseng Trading Report 24 May 2010 ( Monday )

Today Hangsneg opens belows our DIFF Support , But according to our technique OPEN Price - 1 = SELL

Infact its went up. For those who have been following my blog i have said that if hangseng were to open above 19362 i would call for a buy.

Making a Buy position at level 19362 today , we have made a total of 200pips profits. I would like to congratulate those clients who are following this closely.

Thank you


PT Trijaya Pratama Futures

SKYPE: wanhse
Mobile : 081398814886

Tips For Hangseng Trading 24 May 2010 ( monday )

HK Future, will most likely gapped down but based on our V3Go Indicator, this gap down may actually act as a potential springboard to potential upside instead. 19398 will the Intersection point that we will be paying attention to.

If the market can stay above it, then we are looking at this market to re test 19800s level within this week. The Downside support is around 19360.

Disclaimer as usual

PT Trijaya Pratama Futures

Email : dhmjkt@gmail.com
Mobile : 081398814866
SKYPE : Wanhse

(  All Market Analysis are taken from our DIFF Technique Founder )

23 May 2010

Hangseng Trading Plan 24 May 2010 ( Monday ) Click on the chart to for larger view

DIFF Technique

DIFF resistance - 19722
DIFF Support - 19358

Base on the DIFF rules to execute the Transactions today.I have a Tip for all of you for Monday . If Base on our V3GO techique. If hangseng opens above 19362, Its a good Buy . I would Call for a Long at this sections , Even if the Dow was a minus on Friday (21/5). I might be wrong but i would still stick to my trading plans and follow the rules

Just to to add an additional informations. Our Mentor for tis technique have built up a robot trading and its really proven on the Forex Market EUR/USD and GBP /USD
The track record is really impressive, For more detail please contact me dhmjkt@gmail.com

Thank you

PT Trijaya Pratama Futures

21 May 2010

Trading Report May 2010 ( Friday )

170 PIPS WHEEEE.....

Yesterday hangseng during the second session we made a profits of 2V .... 170 Pips ... Following our DIFF technique during the second session hangse4ng broke the DIFF support level ...

DIFF Technique

DIFF resistance - 19753
DIFF Support - 19420

The DIFF techique still have not chaged . We will still base on the DIFF rules to execute the Transactions today. I have a Tip sfor all of you for Monday  . If Base on our V3GO techique. I hangseng opens above 19362, Its a good Buy . I would Call for a Long at this sections , Even if the Dow jones yesterday was a minus. I might be wrong but i would still stick to my trading plans and follow the rules

Just to to add an additional informations. Our Mentor for tis technique have built up a robot trading and its really proven on the Forex Market EUR/USD and GBP /USD

The track record is really impressive, For more detail please contact me dhmjkt@gmail.com

Thank you


PT Trijaya Pratama Futures

20 May 2010

Hangseng Trading Plan 20 May 2010 ( Thursday )

DIFF Technique

DIFF Resistance - 19752
DIFF Support - 19420

English Language - ( Untuk Bahasa Indonesia Silakan Scroll Down )
As we can see the chart on 19/5 Hangseng broke our DIFF support Line, but base on our 1V we cannot take the profits today. But there are some clients holding sell Believing in this technique. This seems a very big potential that hangseng would gap down. By looking at the Dow Jones movements today Its closed Below the open price

Base on our DIFF technique , Please wait for the Hangseng to show its open price where. Execute using the DIFF support and Resistance as the guidline. Please join My SKYPE conference to discuss more about it

SKYPE : wanhse
Yahoo Messenger : tokohpdhm

Dow Jones News
In early trading today (19 / 5) U.S. stocks opened has increased given the condition that the governments of the countries of the European Union to tighten its economic policies in order to prevent the continued impact of the economic crisis in Greece. On the other hand, the U.S. inflation data released this evening reported decreased by 0.1% thus giving a positive sentiment for the stock.

Bahasa Indonesia

Seperti yang bisa kita lihat bagan pada 19 / 5 Hangseng pecah kami diff dukungan Line, tapi dasar pada kami 1V kita tidak dapat mengambil keuntungan hari ini. Tetapi ada beberapa klien memegang menjual Percaya teknik ini. Hal ini tampaknya potensi yang sangat besar bahwa Hangseng akan kesenjangan bawah. Dengan melihat pergerakan Dow Jones hari ini ditutup Its bawah harga terbuka

Berdasarkan teknik diff kami, Silakan tunggu untuk Hangseng untuk menunjukkan harga terbuka di mana. Jalankan menggunakan dukungan diff dan Perlawanan sebagai guidline tersebut. Silakan bergabung konferensi SKYPE saya untuk membahas lebih banyak tentang hal

SKYPE: wanhse
Yahoo Messenger: tokohpdhm

Dow Jones
Pada awal perdagangan hari ini (19 / 5) saham AS dibuka meningkat mengingat kondisi bahwa pemerintah negara-negara Uni Eropa untuk memperketat kebijakan ekonomi untuk mencegah dampak lanjutan dari krisis ekonomi di Yunani. Di sisi lain, data inflasi AS yang dirilis malam ini dilaporkan mengalami penurunan sebesar 0,1% sehingga memberikan sentimen positif bagi saham.
Thank you


18 May 2010

Hangseng Trading Plan 19 May 2010 ( Wednesday )

DIFF Technique

DIFF Resistance - 19752
DIFF Support - 19420

I can see a rebound in the market for Hangseng. Base on The DIFF technique we have not been trading for the past few days. But those who are following my skype conference today have made a profits of 98 pips.

During the hangseng second session i have see a new DIFF Resistance have been formed and Based on the Thechnique i did called for a buy Just before Hangseng closed. during the second session Hangseng Gapped up. My second called for buy Was when Hangseng passed our NEW DIFF Resistance 19754 x 0.5 = 98 pips ( T/P )

For those who are interested in learning this technique please contact dhmjkt@gmail.com dhmjkt@gmail.com

For tomorrow Movements we have to See where hangseng If its opens above our DIFF Resistance , open price + 1 , Its will be a safe buy.

Good Luck on your trading , Please join my Skype Conference if you are interested to know more